Lomme Bed

Lomme Bed

We spend almost one third of our lifetime sleeping. We all need rest, but what is the quality of your sleep?  The Lomme bed-resembling a cocooning egg shape is a chance to dream in something that looks like it came out of one.  This naturally shaped sleeping pod has amazing features, like: Light Therapy, Sound System, Muscle Relaxing System, High Quality Mattress, and Storage Compartments.  It is the result of in depth research into common sleeping problems and natural therapies.  It is definitely “one of a kind”.

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Sferra Colette Linens

Sferra Colette Linens

Described as a sheer indulgence, and with 1,020 threads per square inch, who wouldn’t mind to retreat between these Italian-woven 100% Egyptian cotton jacquard sheets at the end of the day?  The Sferra Colette bedding line is shown here in colors white and truffle.

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The Tree Bed

The Tree Bed Iron

The Tree Bed is a fantastical metal-works creation by Shawn Lovell.  The romantic imagery is brought to life through traditional forging techniques and modern welding.  I just love how the branches of each bed post tree reaches to cradle the little nest at the very top.   What a sweet and caring bed, it should provide a tender night’s sleep without the pesky bugs and hard ground associated with sleeping under the trees outdoors.

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Irvington Nickel-Plated Bed

Belfort Irvington Nickel Plated Bed By Martha Stewart

 I fell in love when I first saw this stunner of a bed whilst Christmas shopping in Port Perry. The nickel-plated Irvington Bed from the Turkey Hill Collection is a modern take on the familiar 19-th century brass bed.  It was actually inspired by the Connecticut farmhouse Martha Stewart lived in for over forty years.  The cool feel of the sophisticated metal and the warm hue drew me in, I did notice I left a fingerprint or two….but love is blind and I could get over that pretty quickly.

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